So I've finally joined the world of blogging... on behalf of my kids! Please don't expect too much but I'm hoping to keep family and friends updated on the more personal side of ministry and focus on our kids, Natalie and Jeremiah, and how they're growing and all that they're learning (and teaching us). In January we'll be moving to Singapore and we're hoping that this way, those that want to can keep up with the kids.
So... here goes!
Natalie just experienced her 2nd Halloween. We couldn't have asked for better weather and although we worked all day on saying "Trick or Treat" all that
friendly neighbors got from her when we got to the door was a stare - maybe next year! And she wasn't too keen on the idea of putting her candy in the bag but instead insisted on clinging to it for dear life proclaiming loudly "MINE!" when we tried to free up one of her hands (you can see her fist full of candy in the pic). Oh, the joys of toddlerhood! And who says we don't have a carnal nature? And Jeremiah... he was an adorable penguin who slept the whole time!
I'm suffering the repercussions though.I thought it would be so cute to color Natalie's nose with a washable marker to add to her doggy costume. Well, try to explain to a nearly 2 year old that you're only allowed to color on your face one day a year! So lately, everytime she colors her nose ends up a different color. Praise the Lord for washable markers.
Natalie still wanted to dress up the next day so we put on last year's penguin costume and she couldn't get over looking at herself in the mirror.
Well, hope you enjoyed the pics. I'll try to keep up with news and fun stuff.