Yes, we made it to Singapore! We've been here now for a month and a half and I think we're settling in pretty well. We hit the ground running with a week of work orientation and then another week of cultural orientation but while we were running Natalie had dug her feet in the ground and was determined to stay firmly rooted! It was a hard transition for her at first - new home, new
places, new faces... it was all just a little much for our 2 year old. Now that things are a bit more familiar and she sees some of the same faces throughout the week things are going much better and we're seeing the Natalie that we all love. And Jeremiah... as long as someone - doesn't matter who - is looking at him, he's happy (hmm, I wonder where he gets that trait from?) :). Tim's job blessed us by arranging temporary housing with the option of staying on to rent. Knowing that our home would be the source of many of our connections we really took the time to pray and seek direction. But within a week we were confident that this is where God had provided.
We'll be here at least 2 years (hopefully longer - which I realized will be the longest that we'll have lived at one address since we've been married!), and what a blessing it's been already! Our landlords are believers and have gone out of their way to help us out - providing us with a larger fridge, a washer, and an oven (since most
Singaporeans don't do much cooking most apartments don't come with an oven). They even lowered the rent for us to be far lower than the market value - praise the Lord! I've included some pictures of our new home. We're on the 7th floor of a 21 story building with the Nature Reserve directly behind us (read: jungle with monkeys, iguanas, and I'm sure many other creature we've yet to discover!). We've enjoyed the few walks that we've been able to take on the trails and it's wild to think that Natalie and Jeremiah will grow up thinking it common place to see monkeys in their backyard! It really is beautiful. Well, I didn't want to pack too much into this first post and hoping that will leave me plenty to write in subsequent (more frequent) posts. :) Thank you to all of you who have prayed for us and have encouraged us along the way - we have certainly sensed your prayers and have found strength in your words in this time of transition. Blessings to each of you and you'll be hearing from us again SOON!
T, D, N & J