Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Early Christmas in P'ville

Well, much more time has passed than I had hoped since my last blog but our lives have gotten hectic. Besides the busyness of the Christmas season we're finishing up packing to head to Delaware to spend time with Tim's parents before we leave for Singapore on Jan. 14th. All very exciting and exhausting!
Danielle was able to take the kids to see her parents in Placerville, CA one last time before we leave. Tim stayed ho
me to pack and finalize some details that is hard to do with 2 little ones around. I swore that that would be the last time I travel by myself though! An infant that has to be carried, an independent 2 year old that won't hold your hand, a diaper bag with all enough supplies to cover anything from poopy diapers to boredom, and a car seat... at least I can say that I did it and I survived! 

We had a great, relaxing time with Grammy, Papa, and Aunt Michelle though it was hard for us all to say goodbye. We love you guys and we really hope to see you in Singapore! Enjoy the pics.

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